About the NCSTA
The NCSTA exists to provide continuing education to service providers in the onsite wastewater industry as well as licensing opportunities for system installers. We establish relationships with legislative and regulatory authorities to promote the protection and the advancement of all aspects of the onsite wastewater industry while cultivating relationships between members and the organizations who support and supply the industry.

Proudly Serving Our Member Companies and the Residents of North Carolina since 1990

Why join the NCSTA?
Learn about member benefits and how we are taking legislative action to protect your livelihood.

Find Upcoming Classes
Check out our schedule of continuing education classes to find one near you.

Find a Provider
Browse our members list of certified pumpers, installers, tank manufacturers and more.
by the numbers
NCSTA at a glance
Member Companies and Growing
Service Providers Educated in 2024
2nd Largest Waste Water Expo in the US